We have been to Balboa Park a few times and this is one of those places that never gets old. We absolutely love this park. The Spanish inspired museums and theaters are so beautiful and unique.
This time we learned how 150 pigeons were brought to Balboa Park and people would come and feed the pigeons and take pictures with them. However, they soon regretted this because the pigeons started to over populate the city. So the city put pigeons on a pill, a birth control pill that is, in the feed. Here is such a great example how some things seem like a great ideas at first but with time we see that it was actually a really bad idea.

California Tower
Bolboa park is our favorite place to visit in San Diego, but we never saw the park from above. This tour does not just let you see the park from above but also teaches you about the history of the park and on every level you see photos the way the park originally looked and the plans of what they wanted it to be. Unfortunately they do not let you go all the way to the top. But from the level where the tour ends, you still can get great views of San Diego, Coroda, and even Mexico. This tower is 200 feet tall. The dome is decorated with blue, yellow, and black glass beads and tiles.
Located at 1350 El Prado, California Tower, San Diego, CA, 92101.

San Diego Museum of Man
We could seriously stare at this building for hours. The current exhibits are Cannibals: Myth & Reality, Maya, BEERology, Living with Animals, Ancient Egypt, and Monsters! We really like how there are so many diverse exhibits. There is something for everyone. The Cannibal exhibit was actually quite disturbing. Learning how survivors, warriors, kings, and queens were actually cannibals is something hard to grasp.
Located at 1350 El Prado, San Diego, CA

Museum of Photographic Art
We love photography so we thought it would be interestung to see . So whenever there is a photographic exhibit to see we love to check them out. But this entire exhibit is dedicated to photography. We found captures of border walls, culture identity, and body. They always have new exhibits. My favorite exhibit was the epic 990 photo wall.
Located at 1649 El Prado, San Diego, CA 92101.

San Diego History Center
The museum focuses not only on the history of the city but also ethnic groups like the Jewish, Japanese, and African American. There is so much history here. You can learn in great depth how the Jewish community arrived in 1850 and how they are still very much present in the area. We really enjoyed the Legacy in Black exhibit.
Located at 1649 El Prado, San Diego, CA 92101.

Spanish Village Art Center
If you ever are in a bad mood, simply walk down the Spanish Village Art Center and you’ll feel a lot better. There are over 200 different artists in one amazing place. You can stroll by and admire how diverse every artist is, buy a few things, or take a few classes. This in it self makes me wish that we lived closer to Balboa Park. There is so much opportunities for people here to learn and grow in a creative way.
Located at 1770 Village PL, San Diego, CA 92101.

Thank you for reading our post. We share a new post every Tuesday and Thursday at 8 pm.
First of all I love your outfits, especially the one with the black pencil skirt! And I could have never imagined that someone puts pigeons on birth control, that was a really interesting and fun fact to learn. That’s a humane approach to solving animal and bird over-population problem
Elizabeth O
It looks like you had such an awesome time here. The museum of photographic art looks absolutely outstanding I would love to see that in real life.
Wow, the Spanish Village Art Center is so special with over 200 different artists in one place. Thanks for sharing.
I have been to Balboa Park last winter! It is a great park, I really love the colorful floor in the Spanish Art Center. There are many museum but I did not manage to go to all. But I still enjoy the stunning architectures in Balboa Park. Love your photography and your outfit. It brings out the life of the Balboa Park!
Oh how fun…it looks like you had a blast. This is definitely a place worth visiting
That is a really interesting museum. It kind of crazy that they put penguins on birth control, I didn’t know that would work on animals.
Balboa Park is so beautiful, the mixture of beautiful architecture and the serene atmosphere. I would love to visit this place when I am in San Diego. All the pictures look so good, you look so pretty!
Looks like a lovely place to explore – such lovely colours!
We haven’t been to San Diego in forever, but this post makes us want to travel there soon. Your pictures are great. Loving all the color in the last one.
I want to go to San Diego so bad! I feel like everyone has been besides me. I hear so much good about it, I have to plan a trip. The photos on this post look amazing, thanks for sharing!
It looks like you had such a great time! We are hoping to get to Cali soon and San Diego is absolutely on our list of places to visit. Thanks so much for the pictures, they make me even more excited to go.
I’ve never heard of putting birds on birth control! I’ve never been to San Diego, but it seems like there is so much to do, and something for everyone!
Marjie Mare
Those pictures look amazing and it seems you had a great time. Thanks for sharing.
Lois Alter Mark
Though I live in San Diego, I rarely make it over to Balboa Park- this post is about to change that! I had no idea they offered a tour of the park but I’ll definitely have to look into it next time. Such a cool way to explore this beautiful landmark.
Angela Tolsma
Love your first skirt! The Museum of Photographic Art is totally something I want to see. I love seeing people’s art in photography and find it fascinating!
Vy Nguyen
Great photos. Thanks for sharing the location of these places.
Heather McMechan
What an interesting museum to see. Would be awesome for my friend to check out with her boys.
Tonya Michelle
I can see why this is your favorite place to visit! Looks awesome! I will have to put this on my places to visit next time I’m in the area
Nikki Arnold
I haven’t been to that area in a long time!! I grew up in California and I love the artsy spots!!
This is the first I’ve read of your blogs. I love the idea that you travel and homeschool. And I had no idea about the birth control in the pigeon food. So crazy!! Thanks for sharing.
It looks like you and your hubby had a blast. You guys make a cute couple. I would like to visit San Diego some day.
I’ve always wanted to do a weekend trip here! It looks so beautiful and like so much fun.