California Desert Road Trip

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On our recent trip I bought a book called Desert Survival Handbook by Charles A. Lehman and I was shocked at the things I did not know. One thing I learned was how important it is to drink and to always make sure that we started every walk or adventure fully hydrated.

” A young boy and his dad were exploring in the Mojave Desert on a hot Saturday morning. After a vigorous hike and checking out some old mines, they returned to their pick-up and got struck trying to turn around in loose sand. Until that moment they had only been interested in the mystique and nostalgia of desert ruins. Now their only thought was to get their truck out of the sand. They dug furiously around the mired wheels, tried to jack up the rear end, built ramps ahead of the tires and worked up a soaking sweat. Finally, utter frustration, they struck out on foot. They never made it. Searchers found their bodies the nest day, less than a mile from the main highway. The official cause of death was dehydration, but what really caused the pleasant outing to end the tragedy? They set the wrong priorities. The overwhelming desire to get home probably causes more problems for survivals than any other single thing. Trying to walk out in the midday heat without canteens was foolhardy but walking away from the thirty gallons of water in their camper was incredible!”

“If you begin an emergency fully hydrated, you can expect to survive for about five days without additional water – even at 100 degrees in the shade. ”

My husband is so good about drinking water. He never leaves the house or anywhere without a water bottle in his pocket.  After reading this tragic true story I am motivated to drink at least 1 gallon of water a day. I want my water supply to be full at all times.

Do you drink enough water? Do you always have water with you? We always have a cooler full of water or a case of water in our car. Water is life!!!


Indian Canyon


Indian Canyon has a large amount of oasis type ecosystems. The nature is very green which is in strong contrast to the dry desert surrounding this area. There are over 150 different types of plants here most being flora and fauna. If the desert ever becomes somewhat dull to look at this is most certainly the place to visit.


Moorten Botanical Garden


Moorten Botanical Garden is a good place to visit if you want to see a large variety of cacti and desert plants. They have 1 acre of land almost fully covered with cacti and despite being in the Colorado Desert ecosystem has plants that are foreign to this ecosystem and some that are foriegn to this continent in general. Their collection is most certainly impressive.



Joshua Tree National Park


Joshua Tree National Park is truly a wonderful national park. Within this park  there are two types of deserts the Mojave Desert and Colorado Desert. This park is famous for their Joshua Trees because they have the most within the land they have. This entire park is simply full of different ecosystems and wildlife. If you want to experience a diverse desert area in California this is almost a must visit. There is no shortage of picture opportunities and sights to see here.

I Know it is weird to see someone in a skirt in a national park but what if I love both? I love nature, skirts, and heels. If I’m hiking I don’t wear heels but I do wear a skirt or a dress. I’m used to getting lots of looks. Some nice and some not so nice. This weekend we went on a short walk (1 mile long) and a couple who is older than my parents were walking next to us. The husband stops, looks at me and then asks my husband, “she isn’t going to go hiking wearing that? Is she?” My husband kindly said, “Well it isn’t really a hike. One mile is a short stroll.” Which the man nodded to and smiled.
A lot of people want to know why I dress up all of the time. I do it because I love wearing dresses and skirts. I do own jeans and do wear them but not that often. You see we don’t go to weddings or parties, we decided to travel and do what we love instead. So when will I get my chance to wear the things I love? If majority of the time is spent in nature?
My daughter Esther once told me that I must be very confident to wear the things I wear. I never saw it that way. Never thought I was until she said that.
Growing up my sisters and I thought ( we still do) that our mother is an extremely confident woman. We admired that in her. The way she spoke and acted screamed confidence to us.
Recently I actually asked my mother how she was so confident. And I told her that I’d love some of her confidence. She looked at me all puzzled the way I looked at Esther. She didn’t talk or act the way she did because she was confident but that is how her daughters saw it as.
So yes I’ll keep dressing up even when I’m hiking not only because I love to but also because my daughters see me as a confident woman.



Fonts Point Anza-Borrego State Park


Fonts Point Anza Borrego is one of the most spectacular things our family has ever seen. This lookout is most certainly worth your time. If planning to go here you will need a 4×4 vehicle or otherwise hike because you have to driving 4 miles on a road that is flooded during rain.


If you have more time in Anza Borrego you should go and see Carrizo Badlands Overlook which offers a different perspective on the area than Fonts Point overlook. And if your vehicle is not able to access Fonts Point this overlook is right off the road and is definitely worth a visit.


Desert View Tower


Desert View Tower is a piece of folk art that is beautiful. Having 5 floors constructed with bricks and wooden pools going upwards in a spiral this building is only amplified when you reach the top. The interior of the tower is also wonderfully crafted and once your done enjoying this tower there is more here to offer. Outside is something called a Boulder Park which has local art that was made in the period of two years by one man. Boulder Park consists of animal sculpture made out of local rock. If anything this place is a wonderful example of how good local art can be.



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