Peter’s Wilderness Voyages- Mussels

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Mussels are a salt water and fresh water group of shellfish that hardly move yet survive for years upon years. While the question of what cuisine started cooking this delicious shellfish remains a mystery there are many different cuisines that consume it. For example in New Zealand they are served in chili, in Turkey served in rice or flour, and in Netherlands served at fast food joints served fried in breadcrumbs or batter. Mussels are cooked all around the world and have a larger group of cuisines serving it than most seafood’s. A great place to harvest mussels is along the Oregon/Washington coast. Along the Oregon coast a fabulous place to harvest mussels is Indian beach.


Collecting, Cleaning, and Preserving Mussels:


When collecting we come during low tide for mussels or otherwise it is difficult to collect them. You want to attempt to obtain medium sized mussels with a absolutely tight shell. At times it will be difficult to remove mussels from tide pools. This is due to beards mussels weave to stay in place on tide pools. The current daily limit for mussels in Oregon is 72. After harvesting it is important to clean the outer shell of mussels. You can clean by either scraping them against each other or using tools such as knives. Remove everything on the shell but do not remove beards until ready to cook. To preserve put ice in a bowl and put another bowl above bowl with ice and fill with mussels. Then wash a napkin and put the napkin above mussels to keep them moist and put in refrigerator until ready to cook.





How to Cook Mussels:


8 strips of bacon

1 onion

2 12 oz. Pale Ale

12-15 mussels

Garlic sea salt optional amount


Begin by sautéing bacon and onion then add pale ale. Add garlic sea salt (and if not available sea salt) and as much as your heart desires and then put mussels inside. Before cooking remove beard from mussels and make sure that they are all alive by tapping on them with a hard material such as metal. If shell starts to close mussel is still alive and healthy to eat. When mussels are cooking keep them cooking until their shells are open. Once that is complete remove mussels and enjoy.






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Written by Peter.

20 Responses

  1. AnnMarie John

    This reminds me so much of living near the beach! Which I love. I think mussels are fun to cook with and they’re pretty tasty too. This recipe sounds great, also try baked mussels if you get the chance.

  2. Karen Morse

    Thanks for all the tips on how to deal with fresh mussels before you decide to cook them. I also appreciate the recipe. I think it’s a fun experience with the kids, gathering the mussels by the beach.

  3. robin rue

    I live in the seafood capitol of the world, so mussels are served everywhere, all the time. I know so many people that could just live off of mussels.

  4. Shandy Kaye

    I want to try eating mussels, it’s perfect for the family picnic at the beach especially on summer

  5. Kansas Bonanno

    I’m allergic to mussels but my husband absolutely loves them. I think it’s amazing that you’re cooking them on the beach, that looks like it would be a dream!

  6. Angela Tolsma

    I had no idea there was so many ways to serve Mussels. I have only once had it served in a way I enjoyed. I would definitely be curious to try the way you prepared yours!

  7. Jessica Joachim

    My husband loves muscles, so I know he would love this! I have never gotten them fresh like this before, but it really looks like a lot of fun and like it would make for a great meal!

  8. Lesley Carter

    Growing up in eastern Canada, mussels were always a part of my diet. I’ve yet to introduce them to my daughter. Thanks for the reminder to bring a new choice to our recipes.

  9. Terri Steffes

    I bet collecting and cooking these out of doors made them even more tasty. There is a book called Dicey’s Song that talks about collecting mussels. I love the chapter in the book where this happens!

  10. brianne

    Wow this is awesome. I love mussels but never actually caught them before. My kids would love to do this!

  11. Rachel

    How cool is it to “hunt” down your food and cook them! That looks awesome and like a tasty recipe.

  12. Autumn

    These photos are amazing! What an awesome experience. And that recipe sounds delicious. I love mussels!

  13. Melissa

    I have never had mussels before but it looks like you had a great time looking for them and cooking, will definitely need to try them!

  14. Maria Katsulos

    This is seriously so interesting! I really love the way you gave us the full process of how a mussel gets to your plate, from the sea!

  15. Heather

    This is such a neat experience! Your children are growing up with incredible learning opportunities and survival skills. We’ve never done something like this and while I know my daughter wouldn’t enjoy it, it’s so important to teach your children how to thrive on their own!