Northern Nevada Road Trip

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I know that you have dreams. You have ambitions.

You might be like me who keeps striving for better things. Who has goals that are too big for some people. You know some might think your wasting your time doing what your doing. Some think that you won’t succeed.

Girl, Don’t Listen!

Pick up your head (while still being humble) and keep doing what your doing. Oh you’ll get people saying no to you. Don’t take it personal. Too many have limiting beliefs. Some are happy where they are at.

You’ll have days where you’ll feel like your swimming at the same speed for way too long. Don’t give up. It means you are almost there. You have to take risks if you want to get to where your striving for.

2020 is around the corner. It’s a new decade. You don’t have to wait until 2020 to take risks. You can start working towards your goals today.


Ward Charcoal Ovens State Historic Park

The Ward Charcoal Ovens are pieces of the past which have been abandoned. It began as a way to make charcoal to use in silver smelters but eventually they got run out of business due to declining timber availability. Afterwards this became a place to spend the night for whoever decided to until stagecoach bandits began using them as shelter. After a while this land became operated by ranchers until the state of Nevada purchased it. Today you can safely visit these ovens. They were built in a similar manner to many Native American homes. These ovens have an opening at the top to allow smoke to travel through as well as two different entrances. The one at ground level was for removing the contents of what they had burnt and the one a bit higher was for putting wood in to burn.

Great Basin National Park

Near the entrance of Baker, Nevada entrance to Great Basin National Park you can find one of the most stunning scenic drives. Wheeler Peak Scenic Drive is quite a trip to the top of the basin. It is a 12 mile drive that takes you up 3,400 feet above where you began. This road curves and rises upwards eventually taking you to the top.

Lamoille Canyon Scenic Byway Lamoille Creek

Lamoille Canyon Scenic Byway was a place where we experienced a taste of winter. We went here in late October. Here we had lunch while being surrounded by snow and on the way there we couldn’t help but notice the ice around. Lamoille Creek runs through this canyon and it happened to frozen when we came. Some parts were solid enough that we could walk on it while others were extremely thin.

This is one of the most beautiful scenic byways. We have been here before and we love seeing how it looks different with every season.

Nevada Northern Railway Museum

Nevada Northern Railway Museum is another example of a abandoned location but this time the location began operating again. Today you can visit much more than a museum but also an entire operation. The first thing we did here was stumble into the communication room. We actually got to see operators and receivers communicating. Here we also got to view a variety of articles which were used on the railroad in the past. We then went over to the maintenance building in which we got to see people do a variety of maintenance from tightening bolts to washing trains. The general public is allowed to simply go inside and observe as they check everything.

Water Canyon Recreation Area

We felt winter in Lamoille Canyon but according to the calendar it is still fall. At Water Canyon Recreation Area we got to drive across the autumn colors like orange and yellow. While in some areas the leaves have already fallen most of it was definitely getting ready and gave us that aesthetic fix which only comes around once a year.

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