South East Oregon Trip
“Knowing why we are married and should stay married is crucial. The key question is this: Will we approach marriage from a God centered view or a self-centered view? In a self-centered view, we will maintain our marriage as long … Continued
How to Castrate a Goat with an Elastrator Band
Castrating males is something that has to happen on a homestead. Males are important but you only really need one. Males pee on themselves and they tend to smell and most people don’t want a whole lot of smelling goats. … Continued
How to Build a Bottle Fence
We have been collecting bottles for a few years now because we wanted to create a unique upcycle fence. Wine bottles can’t be turned in at recycle centers so we keep ours for projects like this. We loved using different … Continued
Dried Watermelon Jerky
Watermelon is my favorite fruit but for years I would only enjoy it in the summer. No matter how many times I have bought watermelon any other season it tasted nasty. I love me some watery sweet watermelon. We are currently … Continued
Day in Joshua Tree National Park
We learned a valuable lesson on this trip: always check the weather. You see, we packed and checked the weather for Palms Springs and it was promising a warm day. When we got to Joshua Tree National Park (which is … Continued
Trimming Goat Hooves
If you care about your goats then you’ll take the time to trim their hooves. Since our goats aren’t climbing rocky grounds they are not naturally wearing them down. We as owners need to help them. We got a … Continued
Chicken Unit Study
You either love chickens or you don’t. Most people keep chickens for their eggs and some for their meat. Chickens are something that most start with on a homestead. In college, in my speech class, my first speech was about … Continued
Nigerian Dwarf Goat Enclosure
My husband says I’m a compulsive buyer when it comes to animals because we usually buy the animal before we have the enclosure for him or her complete. It really isn’t my fault. You see animals with pedigrees in our area or … Continued
Spring in Jefferson State
Spring is my favorite season. I love all the new life. I love the weather. The blooming flowers and green grass make me happy. Spring just has a way of helping me become motivated and excited about life. Susanville Ranch … Continued
Rabbit Foot Key Chain
We raise our own meat rabbits and hunt jackrabbits. Rabbits are pretty tasty. They taste like chicken in my opinion. I’ve been wanting to learn how to preserve pretty much all that we butcher. With this rabbit I was able … Continued
Russian Blue Kittens
We had 5 kittens born on Jan 7, 2025. All of the kittens have been reserved. Please check back three to four months from now. We plan to use a different male and... READ MORE
Homegrowncoon Cattery
Please help our graduate win. We are a small cattery located in Northern California and we breed 100% European Maine Coon kittens. Our cats live inside our home and are around children... READ MORE
Homegrown Beagles
We raise UKC and AKC registered beagles in Northern California. We love Peanuts and have named our king and queens after them. Snoopy is a sweet king. He loves everyone. He is amazing... READ MORE
Russian Blues
Our Russian blues originally came from Spain. These are the English type of Russian Blues. They have a natural smile, striking green eyes, and a silver soft coat. Our king Misha has such... READ MORE