Bottle Feeding Nigerian Dwarf Goats
When we first got our Nigerian Dwarf kids we had people we love oppose of the idea of us taking bottle fed kids. They told us that there was a possibility our kids wouldn’t take the bottle so we … Continued
Pregnancy Unit Study
The miracle of life points directly to Gods existence. “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.”- Psalm 127:3. Down the Canal Game In this game you have to travel through the fallopian tube, the … Continued
From Mono Lake to Death Valley
You can simply drive for two hours and forty four minutes and not make a single stop or you can make five stops while traveling past Mono Lake to Death Valley. In this post we will share with you five … Continued
Guinea Fowl
Guinea fowls are wonderful to add to your homestead. We think they are so beautiful. They are the best security guards as well. They will inform us of any suspicious activity before our girl Elza does. So, whenever we hear … Continued
Chicken Coop
When we moved to the country we knew that the first thing we needed to get were chickens. Once you’ve had homegrown chicken meat or eggs you’ll never want the store bought again. Raising chickens is easy. They eat scraps … Continued
CA Desert Hiking
For majority of my life I have been a mover. Movement has been a big part of my life. I have always been thin and this is due to my fast metabolism, how and what I eat, and the fact … Continued
How to Enjoy Hachiya Persimmon
My dad blessed us with boxes of Hachiya Persimmons. I laid them out in our pump house so that I could keep track of which ones were ripe. If you keep them in a box the one that becomes ripe … Continued
Skin Unit Study
Your biggest organ on your body is that which everyone sees. It is your skin. Your skin protects and covers everything inside your body. I’m sure you are as happy as I am that our muscles, bones, and blood vessels … Continued
Homegrown Adventures Rabbitry
I have always loved animals. My sweet mama knew this and even though we lived in an apartment for most of my childhood, I have always had a pet of my own. This act of kindness from my mother … Continued
Russian Blue Kittens
We had 5 kittens born on Jan 7, 2025. All of the kittens have been reserved. Please check back three to four months from now. We plan to use a different male and... READ MORE
Homegrowncoon Cattery
Please help our graduate win. We are a small cattery located in Northern California and we breed 100% European Maine Coon kittens. Our cats live inside our home and are around children... READ MORE
Homegrown Beagles
We raise UKC and AKC registered beagles in Northern California. We love Peanuts and have named our king and queens after them. Snoopy is a sweet king. He loves everyone. He is amazing... READ MORE
Russian Blues
Our Russian blues originally came from Spain. These are the English type of Russian Blues. They have a natural smile, striking green eyes, and a silver soft coat. Our king Misha has such... READ MORE