How to Make a Silhouette?

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A silhouette is like a shadow, mystifying in so many ways. Only the outline of the face or body can be seen. The details of the persons face is left up to us to determine. Unless you are an identical twin your Silhouette will look like … Continued

How to Tie Dye !!!

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  Tie-dying is easy and fun.        This kit can be bought at Joanns. Original price is $19.99. Use a 50% off coupon to save money. They have coupons often in the Sunday Sacramento Bee or sometimes you can get … Continued

Teaching Your Child to Pray !!!!

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                                                             Teaching your child to pray is not hard at all.      My first advice is to pray every night as a family. Take turns praying out loud. In our family Eve (the youngest) starts praying first and my husband prays … Continued

Homegrown Beagles

We raise UKC and AKC registered beagles in Northern California. We love Peanuts and have named our king and queens after them. Snoopy is a sweet king. He loves everyone. He is amazing... READ MORE

Russian Blues

Our Russian blues originally came from Spain. These are the English type of Russian Blues. They have a natural smile, striking green eyes, and a silver soft coat. Our king Misha has such... READ MORE