Our Homeschool Room

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Having a room to homeschool in is very convenient.    Most of the things in our homeschool room were bought through Craigslist or thrift stores. Posters can be bought at the dollar store.      This white board has two sides. We … Continued

Art Wall

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        My artists love to display their art work and I love them doing it, but not randomly all over the walls of our house. I enjoy having clean painted walls and would hate to ruin them with … Continued

couponing at K-mart

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 Peter and Esther Couponing !!!!  All was $3 originally and we had a coupon for $1.00 off. When doubling that coupon we paid $1 for one. Got all of these for .99 cents !!! Sometimes K-mart has double Couponing weeks. … Continued

Homegrowncoon Cattery

Please help our graduate win. https://americasfavpet.com/2025/deuce-0b49   We are a small cattery located in Northern California and we breed 100% European Maine Coon kittens. Our cats live inside our home and are around children... READ MORE

Homegrown Beagles

We raise UKC and AKC registered beagles in Northern California. We love Peanuts and have named our king and queens after them. Snoopy is a sweet king. He loves everyone. He is amazing... READ MORE

Russian Blues

Our Russian blues originally came from Spain. These are the English type of Russian Blues. They have a natural smile, striking green eyes, and a silver soft coat. Our king Misha has such... READ MORE