couponing at K-mart

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 Peter and Esther Couponing !!!!  All was $3 originally and we had a coupon for $1.00 off. When doubling that coupon we paid $1 for one. Got all of these for .99 cents !!! Sometimes K-mart has double Couponing weeks. … Continued

Cardboard Clubhouse

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As a child I have always wanted a treehouse so I could use it as my very own clubhouse. I was never able to have a treehouse because growing up I lived in apartments and I’m pretty sure our apartment manager would … Continued

Homegrown Beagles

We raise UKC and AKC registered beagles in Northern California. We love Peanuts and have named our king and queens after them. Snoopy is a sweet king. He loves everyone. He is amazing... READ MORE

Russian Blues

Our Russian blues originally came from Spain. These are the English type of Russian Blues. They have a natural smile, striking green eyes, and a silver soft coat. Our king Misha has such... READ MORE