Some of us act differently around different people. We may have two faces, one that is caring and nice, while the other is mean and hurtful. It is important to teach our children to have a face and a heart of a lamb. A lamb is kind and gentle. He never will bite you. He follows his master. A wolf is aggressive and sneaky. He will bite you if he can. You can tell a lamb from a wolf because of the way he eats, talks, and acts. A wolf will not eat grass, in the same way, the lamb will not eat meat. A wolf hunts at night but a lamb sleeps at night. A lamb will run away if he feels threaten, as for a wolf, he will attack.
Bible verses: Matthew 7: 15-20.
” Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravaging wolves.
You’ll recognize them by their fruit. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes or figs from thistles?
In the same way, every good tree produces good fruit, but a bad tree produces bad fruit.
A good tree can’t produce bad fruit; neither can a bad tree produce good fruit.
Every tree that doesn’t produce good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
So you will recognize them by their fruit.”
Below is a short story which I found online…..
( ) and changed some of the words. This story teaches children that appearances can be deceitful. We should not always trust what we might believe about others. This is a great time to tell our children to not trust everyone. For older children, talk to them about evaluating the types of friends they choose. I want my children to find friends who love the lord and who act in ways that would bring glory to God.
1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be misled: “bad company corrupt good character.”
Short story : A wolf had a hard time getting the sheep because the shepherded and his dogs were always close by. But one day the wolf found the skin of a sheep that has been flayed and thrown aside. So the wolf put it over his own body and walked among the sheep. The sheep that this skin belonged to, started to follow the wolf in sheep’s clothing. The wolf lead the lamb away from the rest and soon made a meal out of her. He did this for some time, deceiving the sheep and eating them.
Wolf wearing sheep’s clothing costume: You will need a grocery paper bag, cotton balls, mask, felt (white and two shades of gray), and hot glue.
Sheep or Wolf game: Give each child a picture of a sheep and a wolf. Have them raise the picture to who the following phrases applies to.
* Someone who gossips. (wolf)
* Someone who is nice. (sheep)
* Someone who is genuine. (sheep)
* Someone who lies. (wolf)
* Someone who steals. (wolf)
* Someone who gives. (sheep)
* Someone who encourages. (sheep)
* Someone who discourages. (wolf)
* Someone who exaggerates. (wolf)
* Someone who tells the truth. (sheep)
* Someone who makes fun of others. (wolf)
* Someone who stands up for others. (sheep)
* Someone who is patient. (sheep)
* Someone who helps the poor. (sheep)
* Someone who takes advantage of others. (wolf)
* Someone who wishes the best for others. (sheep)
* Someone who is jealous of others. (wolf)
* Someone who plays mean pranks on others. (wolf)
* Someone who gets happy when things are not going well for others. (wolf)
Same or different:
For young children, it is a great time to teach them how to put objects into categories. I decided to add this with the wolf in sheep’s clothing bible lesson because it is a great way for children to understand that things can be different. Get four objects, three that are the same and one that is different.
Teach Homophones (Words that sound the same but have a different spelling or meaning).
For the past few weeks my older two have been reviewing homophones.
Have you ever seen yard sale signs that say “Yard Sail?” I have. I have also seen “Four sale” instead of “For Sale.” The English language can be complicated, especially if English is your second language. Words may sound the same but are spelled different and have a different meaning just like the wolf looked like the lamb but was not a lamb.
Using the right words is important for children to know….
Below is a list of words that you can review with your children. I had each of my older children write on our white board a sentence for the words below.
A or an
Accept or except
Affect or effect
Allowed or aloud
Already or all ready
Ant or aunt
Ate or eight
Bare or bear
Blew or blue
Board or bored
Brake or break
By or buy
Capital or capitol
Cent, scent, or sent
Chose or choose
Close or clothes
Coarse or course
Creak or creek
Dear or deer
Desert or dessert
Dew, do, or due
Die or dye
Doesn’t or don’t
Eye or I
Find or fined
Fir or fur
For or four
Hare or hair
Heal or heel
Hear or here
Heard or herd
Hi or high
Hole or whole
Hour or our
Knew or new
Knight or night
Knot or not
Know or no
Knows or nose
Lead or led
Loose or lose
Made or maid
Mail or male
Main, Maine, or mane
Meat or meet
Metal or medal
Miner or minor
Oar or ore
Pain or pane
Pair, pare, or pear
Passed or past
Peace or piece
Plain or plane
Pore, pour, or poor
Principal, principle
Quite, quit, or quite
Rain, reign, or rein
Raise, rays, or raze
Read or red
Right or write
Road, rode, or rowed
Scene or seen
Sea or see
Seam or seem
Sew, so, or sow
Some or sum
Sore or soar
Stationery or stationary
Steal or steel
Tail or tale
Than or then
Their or there
Threw or through
To, too, or two
Waist or waste
Way or weigh
Weak or week
Wear or where
Weather or whether
Which or witch
Who or whom
Wood or would
Have Fun 🙂
Jennifer - The Deliberate Mom
Wow, this is so awesome and so thorough! You've thought of everything!
I love the cute costumes – well done!
Thanks for sharing and linking up to the #SHINEbloghop.
Wishing you a lovely evening.
Sharita Knobloch
What an extensive list– thanks for sharing 🙂
Melanie B.
I love this!
Kaye Swain
What fun ideas to share with kids and grandkids. I'll be sharing this on Facebook today! And perfect timing as I was just pondering sadly the many wolves in many of our churches who wear an exceptionally good costumes and seem just like a strong Christian til you realize the words they are using, the same words you are using, mean two different things. So always dig a bit deeper and don't take people (or books or music) at face value.
Homegrown Adventures
Thank you Jennifer for stopping by. Be blessed 🙂
Homegrown Adventures
Thank you for stopping by Shatira. Be blessed. 🙂
Homegrown Adventures
So glad you liked this. Thank you for stopping by Melanie. Be blessed. 🙂
Homegrown Adventures
Thank you Kaye for visiting and leaving a comment. Yes this is such an important topic to teach our children and to review ourselves. There are things that seem good but are not. It is important to be able to discern wolf from sheep. Thank you for sharing this on your Facebook page. It means a lot to me. May God bless you…..
Dawn Boyer
What a great lesson on faithfulness and living like Christ. The costumes are adorable.
Blessings, Dawn
Homegrown Adventures
Thank you Dawn. So glad you stopped by. May God bless you. 🙂